Bate Building Bate Building contains classrooms, labs, and faculty offices for the College of Business, the Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences, the Business Education Department, and the Honors Program. Arts and Sciences, Thomas Harriot College of 1002 Bate Building Phone: 252-328-6249 The Harriot College of Arts and Sciences offers undergraduate and graduate degree programs in the natural sciences and mathematics, the social sciences, and the humanities. Almost every student at ECU will take courses in one or more departments within the College of Arts and Sciences. BB&T Center for Leadership Development 1100 Bate Building Phone: 252-328-6190 The BB&T Center for Leadership Development advocates and facilitates the incorporation of leadership development as an important dimension of intellectual attention, inquiry and activity at ECU. Business, College of Bate Building Third Floor Phone: 252-328-6966 East Carolina’s College of Business offers undergraduate degrees in accounting, finance, management, marketing, supply chain management, and management information systems. Department of English Second Floor Phone: 252-328-6041 The Department of English offers courses in literature, creative writing, technical and professional communication, rhetoric and composition, multicultural and transnational literatures, folklore, linguistics and teaching English to speakers of other languages, and film studies. Degrees include BA and MA in English and PhD in Technical and Professional Discourse. THCAS Academic Advising & Resource Center 2008 Bate Building Phone: 252-737-4454 East Carolina's Thomas Harriot College of Arts & Sciences Academic Advising & Resource Center advises students with the following intended majors: Biology, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Economics, History, Math, Political Science, and Psychology. This office is also a resource to A&S faculty who have advising questions.
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