East Carolina University
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The College of Health and Human Performance at East Carolina University is hosting a free viewing opportunity of “The R-Word” film and subsequent discussions March 11 at the Black Box Theater in the ECU Main Campus Student Center.


The film is described as a purposeful look into the long-reaching history and lasting implications of the word retard(ed) and current attitudes and perceptions about people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Personal narratives and sibling stories help provide an intimate and nuanced perspective of the challenges and triumphs of people living with an intellectual disability.


This event will include up to 10 groups with information tables and panelists, who are strong local self-advocates and advocates, to interact with audience members.

  • Date: Monday, March 11.
  • Where: Black Box Theater in the ECU Main Campus Student Center.
  • When: Doors open at 5:30 p.m.; Screening 6 p.m.; Panel discussion 7:15 p.m.
  • Hosts: The College of Health and Human Performance, the Department of Recreation Sciences and the Design for Disability Initiative.
  • Virtual screening: Meeting link – https://ecu.webex.com/ecu/j.php?MTID=m73034a71b686ce607542e1230855450c Meeting number: 2630 511 8765
    Password: epD3yqmGp63 (37339764 from phones).

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Meeting number: 2630 511 8765
Password: epD3yqmGp63 (37339764 from phones).

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