East Carolina University
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Come stop by our Well-Being Centers and learn how to eat more inentionally to improve your mindfulness. 

Take the time to intentionally eat a meal by utilizing all five of your senses to improve your mindfulness skills.

Step 1: Examine what your meal looks like and how it makes you feel. What does the plate feel like? Is it heavier or lighter than expected? Are there multiple colors on your plate? Do you notice any distinct patterns on your food?

Step 2: Smell each component of your meal. Does it smell savory? Do the different smells complement each other?

Step 3: Bite into your first piece of the meal and let it linger on your tongue before chewing and swallowing. Notice the texture of food on your tongue and how it tastes. Bring your awareness to your mood, how do you feel?

Step 4: Take another bite and see if you notice anything different. Take your time when chewing to really enjoy your meal and to fully engage in this mindful activity.

HSC Well-Being Hub 11:30AM - 1:30PM

Well-Being Hub at MCSC 11:00AM - 2:00PM

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