East Carolina University
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This two-hour interactive workshop encourages and equips men to serve as effective allies for gender equity in STEM settings.  To begin, we highlight East Carolina University data on the recruitment, retention, and advancement of women as well as the importance of institutional climate.  Next, we overview recent literature that helps explain why and how gender inequity occurs.  Lastly, we introduce and develop concepts, vocabulary, actions, and practical skills to promote gender equity.  The workshop is structured as an interactive conversation with opportunities to learn, ask questions, and practice skills through scenario-based exercises.  Though the workshop is situated in STEM, the concepts can be applied across all disciplines.  Men from all campus departments, including the health sciences, are encouraged to attend. This workshop will be led by Dr. Roger Green (Electrical and Computer Engineering, North Dakota State University) who has conducted Ally Workshops at universities throughout the country since 2009. Learn more about the Advocates & Allies Program here
This workshop is sponsored as part of THRIVE@ECU Advocates and Allies program supported by the National Science Foundation ADVANCE program (HRD-2017219).
Purpose: To help men become effective proponents of gender equity.
Learning Goals: 
Workshop participants will:
•    understand the context of gender inequity in academia and ECU, with particular emphasis on STEM
•    be introduced to relevant concepts and literature, including unconscious bias and male privilege.
•    learn how to get started as an Ally, including individual actions for Allies
•    use scenarios to practice Ally skills
•    obtain resources to assist personal development and/or establish Advocates and Allies programs

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